Attire Expectations
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment..." 1 Peter 3:3
When you come to a camp at Red Cliff, our goal is to have you, your fellow campers, and our staff focused on the Lord. Minimizing distractions for you and others around you helps us facilitate a great camp where we hope you can make lasting friendships and grow closer in your walk with Christ. That being said:
Only modest clothing may be worn while at camp. If you need some clarification on what modest clothing means, click below!

What to bring
Notebook and Pen
Sleeping Bag and Pillow
Personal Toiletries (including your own towel)
Warm Clothing/Jacket
Dress Clothes (for evening services)
Any skirts / dresses worn must come to the top of the knee
Extras shoes and socks
Cash for the speaker offering, snacks and souvenirs
A smile !